Hello! Hello! My main purpose for this blog is to entertain and inform. While I'm sure at points in time I will ending spilling the beans regarding my personal life I'm going to try and keep this primarily fun. If it's not fun, what's the point? Life is dreary enough. Most certainly I will over share information (despite having the opportunity to think thrice before publishing a post) but bare with me! You've been warned.
It must be known, I LOVE doodling around on the web. The internet is one huge treasure hunting playground and I never get tired of playing on the monkey bars and sliding down he slides. One link leads you to this bit of information, then another link to the next bit of information. It's like a bubble chart that tracks topics and thoughts. You start with one in the middle of the page and before you know it, you've filled up a poster board.
On this blog I aim to share with you some of my favorite videos, links, songs, articles, and websites. If you catch yourself on a slow work day, meander on over here and I will try and have something here for you that gets you closer to 5 o'clock. Just make sure yourself doesn't get caught ;) Clean out your history AND cookie folders folks! If you don't know how to do this, let me know and I'll dedicate a post to covering your tracks (I KNOW, I KNOW).
You should know RIGHT NOW that I am a sucker for anything RHO__ (Real Housewives of____) related. Below you will find a parody of RHO____ called "Real Housewives of Late Night". Basically Jimmy Fallon (whom I'm not usually a fan of. His jokes usually and "bleh, take it or leave it" on me) and his crew dressed in drags to represent each of their "wives". Hilarity ensues. Andy Cohen even gets in on the action for the highlight reel before the big finale episode. Tonight these sketches definitely tickled me. Hopefully you will find it equally as entertaining.
You should also know something else. I am going to come clean right. now. I am the ultimate sucker for a GOOD cover song. Now please know that I do recognize "good" is relative here. Please also do not confuse my enjoyment for good cover songs for an enjoyment for cover bands. No. No. No. No. NO. NOO. In general I do not enjoy cover bands. In fact I *may* actually loathe them. However, I am always open to new experiences so if anyone has an inside track on a good cover band, let me know and I will definitely give it a spin. This all being said below please find some covers that I enjoy.*
*Disclaimer: I'm not saying these are better than the original's but I am saying I enjoy the alternate sound. Taking something already in existence and creating something like it on the opposite end of the spectrum is intrigues me. Much like a photo and its negative. Two entirely different beasts.
Even though some people call her a cheap version of Amy Winehouse, I L-O-V-E Adele. (Excuse them! Amy can't get off the pipe. I'm fairly certain Adele isn't on the pipe but if she is she keeps her sheet straight! Amiright???). If you've heard the song "Chasing Pavements", you've heard Adele. That song garnered quite a bit of radio play and was a soundtrack for many movie and TV show scenes. Anyway, here is one of her covers I love followed by a great original by her.
If you like what you see/hear check out some other tunes by her: Right as Rain, Hometown Glory, Tired, and My Same. Her debut album is titled "19" and she made when was 19 (?!?!? Who would have ever guessed?).
Another great cover is a song you may or may not be familiar with, Black and Gold by Sam Sparro (a greek god according to my friend K-Y). With this song I actually fell in love with the cover before I even heard the original. Of course once I heard the original, I fell in love with that as well. Below find the original and the cover, in THAT particular order.
and......zee covah!
I'm going to cut myself off after this last cover because if I don't, you'll never come back and I'll never stop typing. In a quest for covers I stumbled upon a cover from a band I had never heard of before but now adore. Their a little group of beauties that go by the name "Noisettes". More and more they are gaining popularity and IMHO they deserve every ounce of it.
If you like what you hear check out some of their original's (never fear, they WILL featured at a later date) Wild Young Hearts, Never Forget You, and Saturday Night.
Whew! Ok. I'm off and I hope you were able to find something you liked or at least get a little giggle. TTFN.
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