Sunday, February 21, 2010


Allow me to share with you one of my favorite boredom busters. The site is called and it specializes in ... (give you three guess, guarantee you won't need two of them) AWKWARD FAMILY PHOTOS!!!! (This is why I love you beautiful genius people).

Please have a-look-see below. These are some of my personal favs.

Cindy: "Take that Dallas Cowboy cheerleading coaches!" Turns out you CAN have your cake and eat it too... (in this case, brightly colored leotards)

The classiest family this side o' Fresno. 

They're so proud of their baby (at least that's what she tells them they are right before she takes their lunch money and gives them a swirly). 

Mhmmm get you some girl! There ain't no ring on your haaa... oh wait. 

Finally, a man with a side equally as sensitive as his skin. 

Classically trained folks, classically trained. 

Chuck thought that by doing the photography pro-bono he was lending the family a hand. Turns out they needed three. 

Oh. Hell. No. Not in a million trillion thousand kadrillion effload years.