Monday, February 22, 2010

Just Right

One of my biggest complaints about Blogger was the simplicity of the layout available. Of course I wanted it bigger, tackier, and snazzier than can be but I had (have) no idea how to write HTML. At the time this left me with two options: hire a designer or use a pre-made template.

Designers were not an option because my coins go into a diaper bank these days (and believe me when I tell you coins is about all I've got. Turns out pregnant ladies aren't at the top of hiring lists).

Pre-made templates did not make me jump for joy as they felt very plain or overused.

Those being the options momentarily led me to wander over to Tumblr which provided a much more appealing look. However, after giving it a go I wasn't sold on the format of posting. Love the audio file option, love the video and link option. Don't love the fact that I can't include multiple videos or pictures in one post in the "correct" formats. I'll admit that I'm probably more ADD than the next gal but dayum Tumblr!

Anyway, onward and upward. Tonight I stumbled across my perfect solution, It offers templates that are snazzier and professional put together at ZERO cost. Poy-fect-o! In addition to offering wonderful templates they offer premium services and simple step by step instructions on how to format the templates to your blog (see example below. They can be found under the "FAQ's" tab on the site). They offer 1, 2, and 3 column layouts.

Now, go forth my lovers and blog us to a more beautiful world!

Follow Most Simple Guide to Install your Favorite Blogger Template.

1. Click in Download button and save file in PC [hard drive].

2. File that you have downloaded is .ZIP file so need to be extracted. Extract / Unzip it.

3. Log in Blogger dashboard

4. Click Layout link in dashboard panel.

5. Now click in Edit HTML link in tab bar.

6. Click Browse button and look for folder that is created after extracted file that you have downloaded.

7. Folder has a XML file and TXT file or Internet shortcut, you select only XML file.

8. Click Upload button.

9. Confirm and Save.