Monday, March 1, 2010

Funny YouTube Roundup

Some of these I am sure you've seen and hopefully some will be new. All I know is they make me giggle. Enjoy!

As a disclaimer, I am 100% supportive of our men and women in navy blue. They have a tough job and day in day out have to deal with folk we ourselves would not be able to deal with. With that being said, I am also 100% behind enjoying hilarious Youtube videos of people doing stupid things. This is one of those videos.

"I don't know anyone in this room, besides me, professional enough to carry this gun." Gets good around the 0:45 mark

"Now it's locked"

0:49 mark

"Wow. Woah. What!"

Disturbing on so many levels. First level: Why is this small child dancing to a song with a line about a girl "walking around with a thong in her mouth"? Second level: The kid is so creepily
intense. I leave the rest of the levels for you to decide

Lord, please let my kid be this excited one day.


Alright guys that's all for now. I've got to go get ma prego shuffle on.