Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Conquer or Be Conquered

Rabi Khan "Soul Bird 2"

There are days that will completely destroy you and then there are days that will build you up to a point where you're ready to battle again.

Positive thinking is an exercise. It doesn't come easily or naturally to any of us. Rather, it is a skill that needs to be honed with relentless effort.

Today the refusal to let negativity into my life paid off. The commitment to not let my emotions run me and determine my day. The idea that we are in control of our mind. That our dominant thoughts today control where we go tomorrow.

Today the chant "...just rise above, just rise above. You will overcome this, you will over come this..." finally took hold in my heart.

Today in the quiet, I found my voice.

Today I can confidently say that I fought the good fight...

and I won.

: )