Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mia Michaels: An Adrenaline Shot Straight Into My Ambition

There are so many things I want to tell you about! However, I feel as if lumping them all into one post would diminish the beauty and value of them (kind of like buying M&M's at Walmart instead of the M&M store. The same product but two totally different experiences). In turn I have opted to post them separately (perhaps all in one night?!? Perhaps.) so the spotlight my shine equally as bright on each and they have their time to shine.

We shall start with Mia Miachaels, tearfully talented (as in watching her talent unfold will reduce you to tears because it is so beautiful. Or is that just resident Preggo Ragu over here?) choreographer whose most recent gig includes the television show "So You Think You Can Dance".  Now, first and foremost, notgonnalie I do not watch SYTYCD (see quotations above. The name is too damn long and I'm a fan of unnecessary abbreviations).

Even though I am not a fan of the show I will gladly spend an unmentionable amount of time YouTube'ing this woman's choreography for the show. It. Is. Breathtaking. Something must be said for people who have found their niche in this world. Not only is it extremely rare and brave (as far too often people said settle for being corporate desk jockeys, present company not excluded) it is an absolutely beautiful thing to watch unfold.

Mia's work can and does speak for itself. For complete viewing pleasure these are best watched at full volume and screen. Allow me to introduce:

(Running short on time? Hit the 0:45 mark. You will not be disappointed)

(Ooouuuu-weeee! Did anyone else feel that kiss?)

(Love 1:27 mark move)

(My undying love for Adele may or may not have factored in the decision to post this one. AND THEY REMIXED THE SONG. Oh.Hell.Yes.)

(Looks like whoever posted this video forgot how to spell "Philip". Fail.)

Personally I have felt myself die inside far too many a time. Snap if you agree. However, what always brings me back is watching/hearing/feeling/seeing a genuine form of expression. It restores my resolve to not let the mediocre defeat me but also that one day I CAN and WILL find a way to make my work nothing like "work".  Painting, singing, arguing for a court of law, practicing medicine, planning events, investing in businesses, wrestling tiger sharks, or whatever the pitter patter of your little heart speeds itself up for. You don't do what you do because it pays your bills. You do what you do because you love it and it just happens to pay your bills.

This is the dream.

P.S. The cover song addict in me struck again today! Did I forget to mention that I will often buy the SAME SONG from 15 different artists in one sitting? Oops. Being that baby is on the way and my piggy bank is pretty light these days I only indulged in 3. Count them. One...  Two... Three...