Sunday, January 10, 2010

Secrets, Secrets are So Fun.../ Hey Jude Newark Airport Style

Allow me to introduce you to an amazing site. I am positive you have already heard about this but for the few that haven't, this post is for you. (Besides isn't an entry about Post Secret a right of passage for EVERY new blog? Yah, yah, yah...)

The site is called Post Secret. The premise is that people from all over the world (and believe me ALL over the world) will create postcards with their secrets written on the front. They are addressed to Post Secret with no name or return address. The cards are completely anonymous.

They can range anywhere from spiteful :

To confessions:

To illegal activities:

To falling in love:

All secrets are genuine and brutally honest. The best thing about it is that the site is an excellent sociological experiment. As a regular reader of Post Secret I feel connected to these people sending in their innermost thoughts. The senders could be next door neighbors, co-workers, CEO's, homeless hobos, ANYONE. It reminds me that no matter how different we as people are we all have one common thread running through each and every one of us and that's humanity itself.

Check out Post Secret every Sunday for the new batch of weekly secrets.

P.S. Another great RECENT demonstration of human connection in an otherwise isolated world check out the antics of Josh Wilson in Newark airport over the holidays. The story goes that a man unintentionally walked the wrong direction through a security check point in the airport thus putting the whole terminal on security lock down for HOURS. You can imagine how irritated and antagonistic people can quickly become when trying to get home for the holidays and being demanded into a stand still.

Instead of rallying a riot of negativity or letting people sit in their own muck, Josh pulled out his guitar and, well, you can check out what happened below. (I may or may not have teared up watching this).

P.S. Was anyone else reminded of the movie "Love Actually" when they watched this?